Mummolle pitäis vielä tuollainen pussuka tehä, mutta sinne pitää keksiä jotain muuta kuin kauraa sisään. Ehkä riisiä. Mummo on nimittäin aika yliherkkä hajuille.
I wanted to make something cute and simple. So I made those little thingys that are filled with oat grains. The point is to heat them up in a microwave for a few minutes. The big one (black&white with a heart) is for myself, and I noticed that the heat feels great on my stomack and back when they hurt. The heart shaped ones are for my friends who have not-so-good circulation and always have very cold fingers.
I just need to make one more for my grandmom. But I have to put something else besides oat in them 'cos my granny is allergig to a lot of smells. Maybe I'll but rice in hers.
I also made an apron for my 8yo niece. She's very into baking. I really hope she likes it.