Sain tosiaan juuri luettua kirjan loppuun, enkä voi muuta sanoa kuin Voi Hyvänen Aika...
First of all my days have been pretty much dominated by the new Potter-book. I've been afraid to surf the internet for the fear of someone spoiling the book for me. That actually kinda happened, but suprisingy it didn't matter too much after all. Of course in honour of the book's launch I hade to stencil myself a coulple of shirts. The black shirt just says muggle, anf the blue has a picture of the snitch in the hip and on the back of the neck.
I just finished the book today, and all I can say is: Oh My Word!
Syy miksi en kirjaa lukenu loppuun heti kun sen sain käsiini oli muuttohommelit! Mie muutin paljon lähemmäs keskustaa, ja ekaa kertaa elämässäni yksin asumaan. Ei enää "slummeja" (kuten mie kutsuin entistä asuinaluetta), ei enää kämppiksiä, ei enää kenenkään lihapullia miun jääkaapissa! Mie oon tosi onnellinen.
Tietenkin ekana piti laatikoista purkaa käsityölehdet ja sen sellaiset, sekä pistää ne omalle paikalleen.
The reason I didn't read the book the very day I got a hold of it was the fact that I was busy with moving! I moved a lot closer to the city centre, and now for the first time in my life I'm living alone. No more "ghetto" (as I called my previous neighbourhood), no more room mates, no more anyone's mear balls in my fridge! I'm so happy!
Obviously the first thing to unpack was my craft books and stuff, so I could put them in their rightful place.
Tein myös toisen saimaannorpan. Tarvitsin avaimenperän miun vara-avaimelle.
I made another the Ringed Seal of Saimaa. I needed a key chain for my spare key.
Remember to check out the Vegan Sock KAL! It's the first KAL I'm involved in, and I love it.